Student Research Assistants
Student Research Assistant in the OptiFun project
Student Research Assistant in the OptiFun project
Former PhD students
PhD 2007, Chalmers
P. Jansson was the PhD advisor of U. Norell from 2002 to his PhD degree in 2007.
The PhD thesis (Towards a practical programming language based on dependent type theory) is often used a the standard reference for the programming language and interactive theorem prover Agda.
PhD 2007, Chalmers
P. Jansson was the advisor of N A Danielsson until his PhD in 2007.
PhD thesis: "Functional Program Correctness Through Types"
PhD 2011, Chalmers
P. Jansson was the advisor of J-P Bernardy until his PhD in 2011.
PhD thesis: "A Theory of Parametric Polymorphism and an Application"
PhD 2016, Chalmers
P Jansson was the advisor of J Almström Duregård until his PhD in 2016.
PhD thesis: "Automating Black-Box Property Based Testing"