Patrik Jansson

Professor of Computer Science

My research related to Global challenges

September 09, 2022

I was asked to list my potential connections to a proposed profile area "Sea and society" at UGOT, so I wrote up a summary of that slice of my research work.

1. Climate Impact Research

In 2007 I started working with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). They want to develop correct software implementing models in use for simulating global systems (both for economy and climate) and they searched for a partner knowing the Algebra of Programming. We have established a collaboration over the years (leading to publications, EU grants and an EU call). 

2. Global Systems Science

In collaboration with PIK I have written several papers (see list below) connecting computer science to global challenges. 
We also managed to secure European funding from the the FP7 FET-Open scheme to develop a research programme for “Global Systems Dynamics and Policy” (1.3M EUR, 2010–2013). As work package leader and site leader I organised several workshops, wrote deliverables and participated in meetings with researchers and practitioners from other fields.
The explicit aim of this work was to establish “Global Systems Science (GSS)” as a multi-disciplinary research area and to secure further funding from the EU commission. The call FETPROACT1 (Future and Emerging Technology, Proactive support for GSS) in Horizon 2020 is concrete evidence on the success of this line of work. I was site- and workpackage leader in a project (GRACeFUL, 2015-18) granted from this call with a budget of 2.4M EUR over three years. 

3. My related papers

4. Other links